Farewell Party Thank You Messages/ Sample Thank You Messages For Farewell Party/Thank You Notes For Farewell Party/ Thank you Wordings For Farewell Party
A farewell party is an emotional and significant part of life. Make sure that you thank everyone for making your day memorable.
Here is a collection of sample farewell thank you messages which can really be of great help to you in expressing your thankfulness for the farewell party organised for you by your colleagues or friends. Read on to find the perfect farewell party thank you wordings right here.Also check our collection on Reply to Farewell Messages.
Here is a collection of sample farewell thank you messages which can really be of great help to you in expressing your thankfulness for the farewell party organised for you by your colleagues or friends. Read on to find the perfect farewell party thank you wordings right here.Also check our collection on Reply to Farewell Messages.
- This day will be etched in my memory forever. Thank you so much for organising such an amazing farewell party.
- People forget what you said but they will always remember how you made them feel. And all of you made me feel very special. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
- I can say farewell to my daily routine of coming to office each day on time but I can never say farewell to my feeling of seeing this company grow every day and reach the pinnacle of success. My loyalty shall always remain to my company that gave me my identity, so much respect, comforts for my family and time for my family members too. Thank you everybody.
- It has been a delightful journey but like all journeys this too must come to an end. Thank you for giving me a farewell party that has made me feel like a young employee all over again. Thank you once again.
- I had a fabulous time working in the company that has seen me grow from a trainee. Today, I take more than just a certificate. I have with me the treasure of so much love, respect and admiration from the seniors and juniors alike. I have not just built myself a career, I have built myself relationships. Thank you for giving me your respect and time for such a wonderful farewell party.
- I still remember the time, when as a junior, I made an accounting error and didn’t come to office thinking what my boss would say to me. But when I came back after a couple of days, still unsure of myself, I found my boss and team waiting for me. They told me that mistakes are the stepping stones of life. That I should learn from them. That was the day I decided to work for this company till I retire. And today, when you are giving me a farewell party, I am reminded of my junior days. I shall go back to my home, content, that I have made my success from stepping stones. Thank you everybody.
- Thank you for making me feel so important. I have neverr felt like a staff member here. You made me feel like family member. Thank you for giving so much respect to an ordinary staff. I am honored.
It is indeed appropriate for you to acknowledge the farewell goodbye messages by sending a thank you reply note. Here is a collection of perfect wordings for farewell goodbye messages that you can use when replying to goodbye messages.
- I didn’t think you’d say goodbye this soon. Cheers and best of luck!
- I appreciate that you said goodbye to me. So I guess this is it then. Good luck with your new career.
- I know it was hard for you to say goodbye. It’s also hard for me to accept this. Farewell my friend.
- You’ve made your choice and thanks for saying goodbye. Good luck and more power to you.
- Saying goodbye means I matter. I’m saying farewell coz you matter. May God bless you on your new journey.
- This may be hard for you, as it is for me. But sometimes moving with the rest of your life starts with goodbye.
- You know it’s harder to be left behind than to be the one to go. Go with your dreams my friend.
- I was surprised you’re saying goodbye. But I know you have a dream to pursue. Go and may God be with you.
- Goodbyes are the saddest part. But it also signals a new start. More power to your start-up!
- I hate hearing goodbyes but it’s not fair to be selfish at this point. Good luck on your new business.
- I was hoping it won’t be this soon. But goodbyes have been said, let’s all move on instead.
- Saying goodbye takes a lot of strength. I appreciate you telling me you’re leaving. Good luck on your new endeavor.
- I don’t like goodbyes but I do appreciate you told me. Farewell my friend.
- It’s not everyday you hear the word goodbye. I don’t want to accept it, but that would be a lie. Farewell my friend, hoping this would not be the end.
- Goodbyes are hard, that I know. The only thing is, it’s hard to let go. Farewell my dear. The next time we meet, it should be all cheer.
- Goodbyes always have a wrong timing. But the next time we meet, we should be both smiling. Farewell my friend.
- I wish I could shush you from saying goodbye, but you already did, now I must comply. Farewell my good friend. Keep in touch.
- I wish it didn’t have to be this soon, but you’ve said your goodbye already. Farewell and good luck with your chosen endeavor.
- Goodbyes suck, but I have to accept it. In your new endeavor, go have a shot at it.
- Goodbyes are but a sign of a new beginning. Hope you make it with your new start up.
- I know you said goodbye, what I can’t reconcile is the why. I know you have your reason, I guess you just have to move on.
- Farewell my good friend. I pray this will not be the last time we see each other. God bless.
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