Reply To Farewell Messages/ How To Reply To Farewell Messages/ Sample Reply Wordings For Farewell Messages/ How to respond to Farewell Messages/ Sample Reply Note For Farewell Messages
When your colleagues or your Boss shower you with heartfelt farewell messages, sending them a thoughtful reply is a must. Show your appreciation to your colleagues or Boss by sending a reply note thanking them for their gesture. Your reply messahe can be short and sweet, something that conveys your true feelings. Here is a collection of sample reply wordings for farewell messages that you can use.
- I appreciate the note you sent bidding me farewell. I will heed your wise advice.
- It’s not the end and we can still keep in touch. Thank you for your message.
- I appreciate the gesture. Thank you and see you around.
- It was great to hear from you. Thank you for your well-wishes. Keep in touch.
- Thank you for thoughts. Glad to know people still care for me.
- You mad me feel I belong. Thank you for your farewell message.
- Thank you for thinking of me. Your farewell message brought me to tears.
- Thank you for the support. I appreciate your farewell message.
- I was moved by your farewell message. Thank you.
- I’m lucky to have friends like you. Let’s keep in touch.
- I will surely miss you. Thank you for your well wishes.
- I wish I didn’t have to go. But I will keep in touch. Thank you for your note.
- It was nice to hear from you. I guess this is goodbye for now.
- I hate goodbyes but I appreciate you dropping me a note.
- I was touched by your message. Hope this isn’t the last time we talk.
- Your message was quite moving. I love the feeling of being connected.
- It was nice of you to drop me a note. Farewell my friend.
- Farewells aren’t goodbyes. I will see you around.
- It’s nice to receive such wonderful message. Thank you for the well wishes.
- Thank you so much for the message. I was really pleased.
- Thanks for all the support. Farewells hurt but I look forward to saying hello again.